magazine-software-magnifying-glassLet Our Rich Feature Set Do Your Heavy Lifting For You

Once you start using SmartPublisher™ to publish your magazines, you will find hundreds of different features ready to help you work more efficiently.  You will find features for every step in your process, from selling ads, to magazine production, to accounting, the features of SmartPublisher’s ™ magazine software will make you more effective and able to do more with your time.

Features Include

  • Impress potential clients with custom proposals that combine content from multiple media sources
  • Automate the processing of credit cards online or quickly export transactions to your ledger software.
  • Customize reports based on hundreds of criteria—production status, client accounts, commissions, billing and more—to take full advantage of your data.
  • Manage your team’s permissions with customizable group or individual user settings. With SmartPublisher you can grant the appropriate access to functionality for each member of your team